Bob Baier is one of America’s Top Forensic Handwriting Experts and Professional Speakers. He has taught Law Enforcement Groups and appears in Court as an Expert Witness throughout the United States. Bob has appeared as an expert document examiner on Inside Edition and the Smithsonian “Secrets” show on the History Channel.
• Training under Mr. Don Lehew, Mrs. Katherine Koppenhaver (2003-2005)
• American Society of Industrial Security (ASIS)
• International Association of Document Examiners (IADE)
• New York State Sheriffs’ Association (Honorary Member)
• Scientific Association of Forensic Examiners (SAFE)
• Identity Theft – Prevention for the College Student by Robert Baier
• Dean College; Mass.- Associate of Science Degree in Physical Education
• University of Bridgeport; Bridgeport, Conn.- Bachelor of Science Degree in Physical Education
• Montclair State University; Montclair, N.J.- Master of Arts Degree in Physical Education
• School of Forensic Document Examination(2003-2005)
• American Institute of Applied Science (AIAS) for Questioned Document Examination (2005)
• School of Forensic Document Examination Conference: Dallas, TX. (10/15-17/04)
• School of Forensic Document Examination Conference: Dallas, TX. (10/14-16/05)
Training has included these areas and much more
- Examination of Numerous Documents and Cases
- Anonymous Writings
- Handwriting Identification and Comparison
- Altered Numbers
- Disguised Writing
- Document Alteration
- Preparation of Documents for Court
- Court Procedures
- Discrimination and Identification of Writing
- Discriminating Elements of Writing
- Typewriter Identification
- Word Processing Systems.
- Certified Forensic Document Examiner
- Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientists (MAAFS); Pittsburgh, PA; “Questioned Documents Workshop”, training by Jeffrey Bell, Claudine Riggio, and Richard Vorder Bruegge; Image Analysis Unit, FBI Laboratory (5/18/05)
- Mid-Atlantic Association of Forensic Scientists (MAAFS), Richmond, VA, “Questioned Documents Workshop”, training by Jerry LaPorte U.S. Secret Service Laboratory and Troy Eberhardt from the Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Forensic Document Laboratory “Security Printing and Inks” (5/3/06) • National Association of Document Examination (NADE) Tucson, AR, (5/15-21/07)
- Forensic Photography
- Art and Artefact Forgery Identification
- Decoding Identifying Printer Information
- Paper Analysis for Document Examiners
- Extreme Grips
- Solid Ink Printers
- Working with the Media
- Book Smarts for the Document Examiner Featuring the QDE Index
- Introduction to Print Process
- Identification for Forensic Document Examiners
- Forgery Science an Interactive Workshop
- Metropolitan Police Institute Miami-Dade County, FLA., “Forensic Digital Imaging Enhancement Workshop” 40 hours (6/18-22/07).
- Forensic Document Examiners, Inc. Workshop and Seminar by Katherine Koppenhaver and Bill Koppenhaver (2007, 2008, 2012).
- Apex, North Carolina Town Facility in “Statement Analysis Interviewing Techniques” by Mr. Mark McClish U.S. Marshall (10/1/07).
- Conference of Forensic Document Examiners by Katherine Koppenhaver and Bill Koppenhaver (9/18-20/08).
- National Association of Document Examination (NADE) Boca Raton, FL.(4/22-26/09)
- National Association of Document Examination (NADE) Portland, OR, (5/3-55/7/10)
- National Association of Document Examination (NADE) Montreal, CA, (5/17-5/21/11)
- National Association of Document Examination (NADE) San Diego, CA, (4/25-4/29/12)
- National Association of Document Examination (NADE) Omaha, NE, (4/25-4/27/13)
- Scientific Association of Forensic Examiners (SAFE) Edgewood, MD, (9/26-9/28/13)
- Scientific Association of Forensic Experts (SAFE), Boca Raton, FL 8/13-17/14
- International Association of Document Examiners (IADE), 4/23-25/15